Two practical website privacy topics

Graeme Johnston and James Friel / 15 February 2022 We published a short article recently about how to establish a conveniently administered website with modern graphics but no cookies. Quite a few people have told us they found it useful. This article covers two more practical privacy-related topics we had to address. They’re not unique to… Continue reading Two practical website privacy topics

Juralio 2022 ~ A warm welcome back and what to expect from us

Molly MacGregor / 12 January 2022 Happy New Year from Scotland! For the (controversial) avoidance of bad luck we’ve taken down our festive decorations from the website but our snow covered backdrop remains as we gear up for another white January!  Personally, I’ve never enjoyed the looming pressures of a new year and forced resolutions… Continue reading Juralio 2022 ~ A warm welcome back and what to expect from us

The Juralio marten

Sophie Powell-Hall / 9 December 2021 As part of our new Juralio website design, you may have spotted this little creature peeking out from behind a tree or looking out over the horizon. We’re delighted to introduce the Scottish pine marten.  These elusive woodland creatures are known for their agility and determination. They are often… Continue reading The Juralio marten

Building an easily updated, cookie-free website with modern graphics

James Friel / 02 December 2021 Looking round the new Juralio website, you’re probably thinking “wow, what a beautiful and informative website, I wonder what website building platform they used”. The truth is, while we solve wonderfully interesting and technical problems inside Juralio, this site you’re on right now is running on a self-hosted WordPress… Continue reading Building an easily updated, cookie-free website with modern graphics

New Juralio website

Empowering people to easily express work and share better ways to do it, as opposed to constraining them with rules.